The Wild Boys

From the novel of William S. Burroughs

DOI : 10.54390/modespratiques.304


“The chic thing is to dress in expensive tailor-made rags and all the queens are camping about in wild-boy drag. There are Bowery suits that appear to be stained with urine and vomit which on closer inspection turn out to be intricate embroideries of fi ne gold thread. There are clochard suits of the fi nest linen, shabby-gentility suits, Graham Greene outfi ts for seedy agents who are had Catholics on a mission they don’t really believe in, felt hats seasoned by old junkies, dungarees faded on farm boys, coolie clothes of yellow pongee silk, loud cheap pimp suits that tum out to he not so cheap the loudness is a subtle harmony of colors only the very best Poor Boy Shops can turn out tailored to your way of walking sitting down bending over the color of your hair and eyes your house and backdrop.”
William Burroughs, The Wild Boys: A Book of the Dead, New York, Grove Press, 1971.

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Référence électronique

Mia Dabrowski, Bérenger Pelc, Nina Mareschal, Joke et Alisonn Fetouaki, « The Wild Boys », Modes pratiques [En ligne],  | 2018, mis en ligne le 10 janvier 2023, consulté le 24 avril 2024. URL :


Mia Dabrowski

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Alisonn Fetouaki